Mudheytong gallery / artisans

採訪:Kitty & Shirky (HKAS Alumni Network)

特別鳴謝:特別鳴謝:Elaine Wong及拍攝團隊​


Located in the heart of Sham Shui Po, Mudheytong Gallery was founded in 2019 by three alumni, Karen, Coco and Janet, who took ceramics as their major at Art School. In the past two years, the gallery has been a successful hybrid space dedicated to ceramics arts education and exhibition of ceramic arts in the local community. In our third episode of “The Continuous Art Journey”, we are excited to have a quick tour of their newly opened retail store Mudheytong Artisans, which gathers and celebrates the craftsmanship of local artisans, while advocating the aesthetics of our everyday life experience through the appreciation of the delicate utensils handcrafted by artisans.