Unit Gallery

採訪:Kitty & Shirky (HKAS Alumni Network)



她便是很多校友都認識的—張煒詩Rachel 老師。Rachel現為學院講師、課程統籌、學術拓展統籌,更是陶瓷工作室及藝廊Unit Gallery的創辦人。藝廊屹立於JCCAC已有十年多,過去曾積極為藝術家舉辦個人展覽及充滿實驗性的陶瓷聯展,而當中很多位參展過的藝術家都是我們學院的校友,包括今集邀請的兩位嘉賓姚俊樺(馬騮)和蕭錦嫺。他們分別是Rachel老師的學生及校友,現在更成為了學院的導師,將陶瓷藝術的教育工作薪火相傳,為《在藝途上》劃上一個完美句號。​


Our final episode of “The Continuous Art Journey” features another representative from the ceramics major. She belongs to the first batch of graduates from the BAFA program in 2001!

There she is—Rachel Cheung, who is now also the Lecturer, Programme Coordinator and Academic Developer of HKAS, speaking with us at her studio and exhibition space, Unit Gallery. For the last decade, the gallery has been thriving in the neighbourhood of JCCAC, which supported and nurtured many of our students by presenting their solo exhibitions and experimental group exhibitions. We’re also happy to have another two guests, Yiu Chun Wa (aka Monkey) and Siu Kam Han, to join the conversation. They are Rachel's former student and alumna respectively, and are currently teaching at Hong Kong Art School as her colleagues. Though “The Continuous Art Journey” comes to an end, the passing on of their passion as art educators continues. ​

A spark can start a great fire. We hope you enjoyed our series and be inspired by the unique stories from our alumni. Check out our alumni archive (www.hkasalumniarchive.com) to discover more about us.