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【 The Fool|PAK SUI CHI Solo Exhibition 】

校友藝術家白瑞慈陶瓷個展 - 【 The Fool|PAK SUI CHI Solo Exhibition 】


最近,PAK 在 YouTube 上看了一個塔羅牌占卜短片,認識了一張叫The Fool(愚人/愚者)的牌。愚人與傻子,似乎幾夾。就這樣,The Fool就成為這次她在Nutzeramic的個展主題。用作動詞,fool可以是欺騙;也可以是捉弄、開玩笑,或者北方人說的忽悠。

展期:5. 5 - 11. 6. 2023
開放:一至四1930-2200 /六1100-1900/日1400-1900
查詢:9850 0030

The Fool & The Nut

PAK watched one of those Tarot reading videos on YouTube the other day out of curiosity and learnt a card called “The Fool”. For some reasons, I think it might be a great theme for her solo exhibition at Nutzeramic. The Fool and the Nut. Sounds like a perfect match. “Fool” is both a noun and a verb. To fool is to deceive, which is one of the nature of art. It can also mean to joke, to play, to take things lightly.

〖 5. 5. 2023 FRIDAY 〗
Opening Reception: 1900
Artist Sharing:1930

Duration:5. 5 - 11. 6. 2023
Closed:Public Holidays
Venue:nutzeramic|1/F, 1235 Canton Road
Enquiry:9850 0030