20/21 FRSP Award Winner - Calis Leung Ching Man 梁程萬

20/21 FRSP Award Winner 法藍瓷光點新秀獎

2nd runner up : Calis Leung Ching Man 梁程萬

藝術文學士課程畢業生梁程萬 (主修陶藝) 以作品「羽」獲得2020/2021法藍瓷光點計畫之法藍瓷光點新秀獎第三名!參賽作品來自62個國際院校,達700多件,由14個國家陶藝評審投選,梁程萬從眾多優秀作品中脫穎而出!

The 2020/21 FRANZ Rising Star Project has received nearly 700 entries from gifted applicants that are from 62 schools worldwide. 14 distinguished judges from the UK, Germany, France, Italy, South Korea, Spain, Mainland China and Taiwan have selected the awarded artists. On top of that, we have also decided to add two more amazing artworks in our FRANZ Rising Star Award(FRSA), which is 12 artworks in total selected to receive this special award!