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Alumni’s Joint Exhibition: Chan Nga Sze, Ko Gar Lei Clarie, Yau Kwok Wing Marco


Aren’t there Playgrounds for Adults?

展覽日期 Date:5 - 27/11/2022 (不定時,敬請預約)

參展藝術家 Participating Artists

陳雅詩 Chan Nga Sze

高嘉莉 Ko Gar Lei Clarie (in the wanderland)

邱國榮 Yau Kwok Wing Marco (in the wanderland)

地點: 富利來商場展覽廳


( 砲台山地鐵站A出口步行約五分鐘, 商場正門扶手電梯直上 )


1/F Shop no.33, Fu Lee Loy Shopping Centre

9-27 King Wah Road Fortress Hill, North Point

5-minutes walk from Fortress Hill Station Exit A


Instagram pm @hkwanderland @szedoll

mobile: 91288421





“I want to play though I am a bit afraid!”, “Oh! It’s hurt!”, “Look at me! I am going to slide down!”

Playgrounds that provide free, unstructured play space allow children to develop interaction with people naturally, learn to make their own decisions, and experience challenge, failure and success.

For adults, we also need a free space similar to a playground, but does this playground no longer exist? Maybe the playground has been left behind, or maybe there are things that we cannot control in real life. The three Hong Kong artists use playgrounds as a theme in finding their own playground. Is it only a desire or is there an answer?

Later Event: November 5
【流 Nile 】