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Art Next: +VE/-VE


Art Next: +VE/-VE

Bearing witness to the difficult time of COVID-19

+VE/-VE showcases over 60 works by more than 40 outstanding HK artists that were created during the COVID-19 social distancing period, capturing not just the artists’ individual emotions but the common experience of all HK people. The works give us an opportunity to seek support and solace in the power of art.

+VE/-VE集合四十多位香港傑出藝術家六十多幅在COVID-19 疫症肆虐期間的作品,不僅反映藝術家的心路歷程,也是全港市民共同經歷,讓我們得以在藝術中找到力量與慰籍。

【+VE/-VE Officially Launched】

We are excited to inform you that “+VE/-VE” has been launched! In view of Government’s measures on social distancing, it is not open to the public until further notice. However, all the works are available for viewing and purchasing on this website and a virtual tour is also available by clicking the button below. Details of the opening hours will be published on our website, FB and IG in due course.  Thank you for your continued support to HK art. Stay safe and healthy!

新藝潮正式推出+VE/-VE!因應政府近日收緊限緊令措施,目前並不對公眾開放,但所有作品由今日起均可在網站上瀏覽或購買,亦可按以下連結透過虛擬導覽(Virtual Tour)方式欣賞作品。實體展覽將在限聚令放寬後按原定計劃向公眾開放。有關開放時間請密切留意我們網站、Facebook及Instagram 的更新。感謝各位一直以來的支持,願我們早日戰勝疫情。

【+VE/-VE: Introducing.........Cheng Man Ling】


The process of creating these 49 pieces of "Chinese Sunflower Mirror" for local artist Cheng Man Ling, has been truly self-healing in this tumultuous period. To the artist, the Chinese sunflower mirror is not merely a mirror, but something through which we can ponder on social phenomena and ourselves. It allowed her to reflect on herself and the world around her, when the world since June 2019 seems to have turned upside down. Although the completed work is but a surviving image of this event, it undeniably bears witness to this healing process of the artist.

Chinese Sunflower Mirror/葵花鏡
180cm (L) x 69cm (W) x 25 cm (H)

"+VE/-VE" Exhibition will showcase artworks by over 40 Hong Kong artists that show their resilience in time of pandemic.

#supporthkartists #pandemicart
#hkart #COVID19art #hkartexhibition #+ve-ve #buyartnow #artcollection