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Master of Fine Art Grad Show (2007) - Mastermind


Date: 15 May - 3 Jun 2007

Time: 10am - 8pm

Venue: The Pao Galleries, 4-5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai

All of us, who came into this MFA degree program more than two years ago, were already immersed in our art practice. Yet, by making the decision to become postgraduate students, we committed ourselves to further development of our art and to attain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our imagery, and our vision.

During the programme, our discussions, critiques and dialogues opened doors to ideas and concepts. As a group, we were able to see through each other’s eyes for more clarity. Since artists normally work in isolation, our interaction was invaluable for research and revelation. The ensuing support we felt, by being surrounded with like-minded artists, helped us to feel confident and bold in defining our unique visual ‘voice’.

Too often, artists may be viewed as on the periphery of society. They may even be seen as a kind of monster, or dinosaur or dragon. Because of this, we know the confidence and boldness we have gained in the past two years is essential to our artistic vision and survival. We know that, even if we have to climb buildings and breathe fire, we will not relent in being true to ourselves and, without hesitation, unleash our visions.

Looking back, none of us could have known exactly where our graduate study would take us. However, with our Graduate Exhibition, we are pleased and excited. We may even be a little surprised - we can now climb buildings and breathe fire!

We feel the deepest gratitude to all the professors and lecturers for their support during the course;for their guidance, inspiration and knowledge. We give special thanks to Professor Terry Batt and Dr. Ho Siu Kee for leading the program and making it an unforgettable experience for us.

We also wish to thank and acknowledge RMIT and The Hong Kong Art School for providing the opportunity to participate in this MFA program and seeing it to completion with generous support for our Graduate Exhibition production.

—The MFA Graduates 2007