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後人間世 Post-Anthropocene
to Dec 14

後人間世 Post-Anthropocene


後人間世 Post-Anthropocene


這次展覽包含台灣、香港、澳門藝術家,因為疫情關係香港、澳門藝術家無法前來,我們很榮幸能參與 國立台灣美術館 台灣美術雙年展 Taiwan Biennial 平行展項目,感謝雙年展策展人 姚瑞中 老師。

節點邀請到了香港策展人 陳子澂 Andre Chan 以及 台灣策展人 黃又文 Erica Yu-Wen Huang 進行這次的展覽規劃,也是節點接近兩年來最大的展覽,佈展期間感謝 許多實習生的協助、日檸的全力幫忙推進、盈潔文宣設計、以及遇到許多廠商、畫廊、工作室的全力協助。參展藝術家也全力把展覽做好,無數次的視訊佈展,每個環節香港、澳門藝術家都進行最好的準備,永遠在線上~





感謝名單:葉日檸、王秀君、侯尚邑 、陳浚昇 、張閔晴、水電師傅楊先生、黃虹毓。


SDI 手牌


Blindspot Gallery 刺點畫廊

Rossi & Rossi

Tu Xing /土星


禽獸不如 — 2020台灣美術雙年展


地點:國立台灣美術館 (台中市五權西路一段2號)


◆ 節點 Zit-Dim Art Space ◆


Zit-Dim Art Space is jointly run by artists from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan as an Asian art platform dedicated to promoting contemporary art, education, field study, cultural research, self-publication, and curating. Also in focus are topics related to art exchanges, including experimental art, cross-media collaboration, international artist-in-residence programs, etc. It is open for venue applications to artists working on different topics and media, and hosts exhibitions, talks, forums, and other open events.

展覽時間:2020/10/17 – 2020/12/14

開放時間:每週五六日一 下午三點至九點

禽獸不如 — 2020台灣美術雙年展 平行展

後人間世 Post-Anthropocene

展覽時間:2020/10/17 – 2020/12/14

開幕茶會:2020/10/18(日) PM15:00


陳子澂(香港)André CHAN、黃又文(台灣)‭ ‬Erica Yu-Wen HUANG


張根耀 Ken-Yao CHANG(台灣)

陳漢聲 (Hansheng Chen)(台灣)

South Ho何兆南 (香港)

Bosco Law羅家南 (香港)

Kit Lee李嘉瑩 (澳門)

林盈潔 (Ying-Jie Lin)(台灣)

劉星佑 Sing-You LIU(台灣)

彭一航 Yi-Hang PENG(台灣)

彭奕軒 Peng YiHsuan(台灣)

冼朗兒 Stephanie Sin (香港)

曾家偉 Eason TSANG Ka Wai (香港)

王思遨 Nicole Wong (香港)




二戰後的Great Acceleration將人類推往新的高峰,「發展」成為過往近百年的旗號,掩蓋了其他物種的需要,人的欲望無邊無際,發展斷然不能永無止境地進行,況且往往造成各種不均、引發矛盾。2020是啟示之年,瘟疫、蝗災、水患紛至沓來,人類反抗乏力而退場,沒有工廠的活動來了藍天白雲,沒有輪船的巡弋水族也得以繁盛,地球上的各種活動不會因人類活動足跡減少而廢止,似乎該醒覺的是我們才對。「後人間世」是一個對未來的幻想,發展不再是靈丹妙藥,人類活動慢慢地減少,漸漸意識到衰敗並不是問題,而是社會應該回歸到追求物質以外的進步。「後人間世」也是一個寓言,在發展滿足人類欲望之下,進步真的是一種前進而非後退?當人類退場,其他物種伺機而動,對比人類生活遺址的蒼涼,何嘗又不是其他物種的生機勃發和進步發展?透過「後人間世」拋出提問,對於空間的介入、人類活動的檢討以及人類與其他物種之間關係的反思。

The Great Acceleration after WWII has propelled mankind to new heights. “Development” has been the banner over the past nearly 100 years, concealing the needs of other species. Men has unbounded desires; however, development cannot go on forever without limits, more often it leads to all kinds of imbalance and triggers conflicts. 2020 is a year of revelation. Mankind has ceded the centre stage as due to their inability to fight against the pandemic, locust plague, and floods that have taken place in rapid succession. Without activities of factories, blue sky and white clouds have returned; without ships sea crisscrossing the ocean the marine lives have thrived. The activities on the Earth does not stop just because the reduced human activities, and it seems that we are really the ones that need an awakening. “Post-Anthropocene” is a futuristic fantasy, as development is no longer the solution for everything. Human activities has reclined, since then we have slowly realized that decline is not an issue; rather, the society should refocus on progress beyond material advancement. “Post-Anthropocene” is also a fable. As development satisfies human desires, is progress really a progression rather than a regression? As mankind retreated, other species take centre stage. In the desolate ruins of men, aren’t other species thriving and prospering? Questions are raised through “Post-Anthropocene,” to review the intervention of space and human activities, and reflect on the relationship between men and other species.

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57th International Art Exhibition Biennale Arte 2017 - Viva Arte Viva
to Nov 26

57th International Art Exhibition Biennale Arte 2017 - Viva Arte Viva


恭賀本院畢業生黎清妍小姐獲邀參與第57屆威尼斯雙年展,其作品將於由巴黎龐比度藝術中心首席策展人Christine Marcel策展的「藝術萬歲」主題展覽中展出,展覽主要反思在這紛亂的世界中藝術家的角色、聲音和責任。


圖片說明:黎清妍作品,《順時針與逆時針》,2013,Oil on canvas,100 x 80cm


We are delighted to share that Ms. Firenze Lai (黎清妍), graduate of the Hong Kong Art School (2006), will be featured in the 57th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition titled VIVA ARTE VIVA curated by Christine Macel, Chief Curator at the Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou in Paris. The theme the curator explores for this year’s exhibition focuses on “the role, the voice, and the responsibility” of the artist in the current troubled times.

Her involvement in this major international art event highlights the role of the Hong Kong Arts Centre and the Hong Kong Art School in nourishing the local art scene.

Image: Work by Firenze Lai; Clockwise and Counterclockwise, 2013, Oil on canvas, 100 x 80cm

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